
Lack of Resources to Fight Food Insecurity in the South

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Lack of Resources to Fight Food Insecurity in the South

Increasing the allocated budgets

In its most recent 2024 public report, the Court of Auditors analyzed the performance of measures taken by Madagascar to combat food insecurity. This jurisdiction highlights a deficit in precise strategy and financial resources.

According to the Court of Auditors’ report, three regions of the island Androy, Anosy, and Atsimo Andrefana are particularly affected by food insecurity. The document indicates that the problem manifests as a lack of access to healthy and nutritious food. It highlights the possibility that this issue could be temporary, cyclical, or seasonal.

External factors such as global warming result in severe droughts. Moreover, the economy of these territories primarily relies on agriculture and livestock. Due to climatic variations in these areas, water management requires particular expertise. Regions affected by weather conditions can face periods of drought and flooding. The lack of infrastructure is also a burden.

Furthermore, nutritional insecurity is closely linked to two other areas: agriculture and livestock. The Court of Auditors highlights the lack of dedicated resources for these two sectors. Major road renovation projects are mainly supported by international partners or the central government’s resources. This greatly limits the capacity for action and investment at the local level. The court suggests increasing the budget allocated to this project.

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