
Increasing solar energy capacity

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Increasing solar energy capacity

Tender to be launched soon

The government plans to harness the potential of solar energy by installing solar panels capable of generating an additional 350 Megawatts. This medium-term approach aims to increase power supply in major cities.

A tender will soon be launched to implement solar panels capable of generating 350 Megawatts of power. This was announced by the Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbons, Olivier Jean Baptiste, during a press briefing on Thursday. According to the minister, solar energy is viewed as the solution to support Jirama’s thermal power plants in electricity production.

Large projects such as hydroelectric power plants take time, along with the necessary studies and financial arrangements. In the meantime, the government is also turning to solar energy’s potential to bolster electricity supply not only in the capital but also in several other districts. Another goal is establishing an energy mix, an additional opportunity to increase access to electricity and renewable energy sources.

On Thursday, the President of the Republic, Andry Rajoelina, met with a delegation from the Chinese company LONGI, a leader in solar technology. By 2030, Madagascar aims to integrate 80 % renewable energy into its energy mix. It is expected that the penetration of photovoltaic solar energy will increase, either through technological advancements that could further reduce costs or through external financial aid from action partners. This would provide the possibility of achieving a more diverse energy portfolio while adhering to the critical principle of cost reduction for the country. It also encourages the exploration of new technologies in this regard.

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