
Decline in birth rate in Mayotte

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Decline in birth rate in Mayotte

Decrease of 741 births in the first half of 2024

According to INSEE, births in Mayotte decreased during the first half of 2024. Despite this decline, the French department remains the largest maternity center in Europe.

According to INSEE data, births in France saw a 2.4 % decrease between January and June 2024. Despite this trend, Mayotte remains the French department with the highest fertility rate. During the first half of 2024, the Mayotte Hospital Center recorded 4,582 births, marking a significant decrease compared to previous years. This statistic is the largest drop since 2015 and aligns with a general trend of declining birth rates.

The birth rate in this department is remarkable, with around 10,000 births per year. The department’s maternity ward hosts a large number of births annually, with a high proportion of newborns born to foreign mothers, primarily from the Comoros.

These birth figures highlight the significant Comorian immigration to the French territory. In 2022, mothers of foreign nationality accounted for nearly 75 % of births in Mayotte, predominantly from the Comoros. Many women are encouraged to give birth in Mayotte due to access to healthcare and the potential for French nationality. Between January and June 2024, the number of births decreased by 741 compared to the same period in 2023.

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