
Industry : Appointment of 31 new inspectors

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Industry : Appointment of 31 new inspectors

Promoting the growth of the industrial sector

Madagascar is making a significant step in its transition towards industrialization by strengthening its industrial regulation. On June 24, a total of 31 industrial inspectors were sworn in.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Industrialization and Commerce (MIC) attended the swearing-in ceremony. This ceremony highlights the importance of strengthening skills. These experts were chosen for their expertise, dedication, and ability to promote best industrial practices. They have already undergone extensive internal training, and many more sessions are planned to enhance their expertise. These new appointments bring the total number of operational industrial inspectors to 51.

In addition to verification and monitoring tasks, the inspectors will also provide advice and technical assistance to companies. This support will help these structures optimize their methods and comply with necessary standards. The goal of this proactive approach is to foster the growth of an industrial sector that is not only prosperous but also safe and sustainable.

The MIC thus reaffirms its commitment to fostering a flourishing Malagasy industry that meets international standards. This initiative reinforces the confidence of investors and international business partners.

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